J. Phys Chem 2020 Singlet Fission

Anisotropic Geminate and Non-Geminate Recombination of Triplet Excitons in Singlet Fission of Single-Crystalline Hexacene

Jian Han Qing Xie Jun Luo* Ganghua Deng Yuqin Qian Dezheng Sun Avetik R Harutyunyan Gugang Chen Yi Rao

J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 4, 1261-1267 (Journal)

Singlet fission is believed to improve the efficiency of solar energy conversion by breaking up the Shockley–Queisser thermodynamic limit. Understanding of triplet excitons generated by singlet fission is essential for solar energy exploitation. Here we employed transient absorption microscopy to examine dynamical behaviors of triplet excitons. We observed anisotropic recombination of triplet excitons in hexacene single crystals. The triplet exciton relaxations from singlet fission proceed in both geminate and non-geminate recombination. For the geminate recombination, the different rates were attributed to the significant difference in their related energy change based on the Redfield quantum dissipation theory. The process is mainly governed by the electron–phonon interaction in hexacene. On the other hand, the non-geminate recombination is of bimolecular origin through energy transfer. In the triplet–triplet bimolecular process, the rates along the two different optical axes in the ab crystalline plane differ by a factor of 4. This anisotropy in the triplet–triplet recombination rates was attributed to the interference in the coupling probability of dipole–dipole interactions in the different geometric configurations of hexacene single crystals. Our experimental findings provide new insight into future design of singlet fission materials with desirable triplet exciton exploitations.