HRI USA HRI Europe HRI Japan Honda Innovations
Welcome to Honda HRI US!
Intention Prediction in Safety Critical Traffic Scenarios
Drone Mapping and Segmentation
Navigation in High-risk Situations
Behavior Modeling and Interactive Prediction
Road Scene Understanding through Computer Vision
Computer Vision in Low Light Scenes
Bird Eye View Perception
Visuotactile Perception for Robotic Manipulation
Minimal Ambiguity Intention and Motion Planning
Machine Learning: Behavior Planning and Prediction
Senior Research Engineer, System Integration, Autonomous Multi-Agent Systems
Scientist: Robot Learning for AI Supported Teleoperation Avatar
ITS Arow
ICRA 24 Symbolic
Pilot workload monitoring
Prosocial and driver wellbeing
Prosociality matters
Prosocial behavior through feedback
Prosocial norms
Prosocial through reciprocity